Saturday, February 15, 2020

Week 5 - The Progressive Era

The Progressive Era was a time period based on nationwide social activism and political reform across the country. The Progressive Era was a time period between the years 1900-1920 and it marked a time in American history in which society was bursting with enthusiasm to improve life in the industrial age by making political and social changes through government action that ultimately led to a higher quality of life for American citizens. Progressives were known for their beliefs in limiting the power of big business, strengthening the power of the states, and were advocators against corruption and social injustice. These progressive reformers as well as the Federal Government successfully managed to improve the quality of life and establish a precedent for a move active government.

The Progressive period is known for its successful efforts in having unforgettable impact on American economy and society by the changes at the social, economical, and political levels. The reformers of this movement belonged to a diversified group from labor and religious leaders, journalists, politicians, and teachers and the goals of these individuals were to protect people, solve problems of urbanization and industrialization, and concentrate on social welfare of American people. The Progressivism movement definitely had an everlasting impact on America changing American values and lifestyles.

Image information: Picture called “The Progressive Era.”     Source:

Chapters, All. THE AMERICAN YAWP, 7 June 2013,


  1. Great information. Reading this you gave some good points about the era. Progression changed the game. This era did solve problems by having many people politicking about the laws and the wrong doings.

  2. Hey Tariq I enjoyed analyzing your post. I consider you when you say that corruption is an ongoing theme in American records. Corruption has been seen inside the fingers of people in power for the reason that the start of US records.

  3. I agree that the progressive era was a time of great innovation and invention in american history. The progressive era saw the expansion of industrialization, new businesses popping up, new travel routes, and ways to ravel, and the country started to get the corruption out of the politics. The progressive era was one that helped the history of our country and without it who knows where we would be

  4. Hello Tariq,
    I enjoyed reading you post and i agree with everything you agreed with and what you explained about. I like how you explained it in a short and sweet manner. especially when you started talking about how the progressive system had a big impact on Americans till this day.

  5. Hello Tariq, I really liked your post. I also loved how you mentioned The Progressive period is known for its successful efforts in having unforgettable impact on American economy and society by the changes at the social, economical, and political levels. The reformers of this movement belonged to a diversified group from labor and religious leaders, journalists, politicians, and teachers and the goals of these individuals were to protect people, solve problems of urbanization and industrialization, and concentrate on social welfare of American people.

  6. Hello Tariq,
    I enjoyed your post. You did a good job explaining and breaking down progressivism. Progressivism was needed to establish growth in the United States.
